When you have any questions send an email to [email protected] or send us a message on our etsy webshop. There have been some technical problems with our website and email address lately. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Also check the FAQ below.
How can I order a personal tarot reading?
Visit our etsy shop.
How can I order a tarot deck?
Visit our etsy shop. At the moment shipping might have delays that may take up to 14 days or more due COVID-19. I recommend at the moment to buy them not at our shop but we will do our best to make sure everything will work out.
How can I order a personal tarot reading on video?
Order through or order this listing in the etsy webshop.
How can I order a personal tarot reading by email?
Order through or order this listing in our etsy webshop.
How long does it take before I get my tarot reading?
I didn't receive my tarot reading.You receive your tarot reading by email within 2-5 workdays except for the same day tarot readings you receive within 24 hours.
I didn't receive my tarot reading.
That stinks! Please send us a message through the etsy shop because in this case there is most likely something wrong with the email conversation.
I get suspiscous emails from HealingTarot.Net.
Don't open them and delete them straight away! Send us an email through our etsy shop to let us know what the title of this email was about. If you see the sender has a different email adddress but sends emails in the name of Charis Felice or Healing Tarot Net delete the email and mark them as spam and if you can block them. These emails aren't send by us. Thank you so much for doing so!